One of the keys to Fine Living is to cultivate and maintain a passion and intellectual curiosity throughout one’s life. Rosemary Verey (1918 - 2001), the legendary English gardener, was the personification of a passion for life. Her monumental design achievements at Barnsley House in Gloucestershire, England, have remained a Mecca for garden lovers for decades. I had the great privilege to meet Mrs. Verey several years ago while leading a tour of English homes and gardens. She was exceedingly gracious, witty, and spontaneous and endured my gardener’s crush for nearly an hour. From the laburnum walk, to the knot garden, and the temple, to her famed potager, her's was a garden of enchantment and grace. If you would like to learn more about this great lady I recommend the following books.
Rosemary Verey’s Making of a Garden (1995), English Country Gardens (1996), Scented Gardens (1989) and Rosemary Verey’s Garden Diary, (1992).
My visit with Rosemary Verey in her conservatory at Barnsley House.